
More Rothenberg + Stein - Experimental Poetry and Jewish Tradition

When McLuhan was Jung: More I Ching

A Play That Has to Be Performed

Stein 2

Gertrude Stein Three Lives (Portraits of 3 women) and Picasso (Desmoiselles d'Avignon )1905
Cubism & Bracques and Picasso
Generating multiplicity as a governing element of reality; cubism.

Picasso and Primitivism. (Unpacking Primitivism)
Negative semiotics.
Anthropological aspect emphasized - robs of artistic merit.

D.H Lawrence - Savage tribalism.

Primitivism - Marlowe "they were not inhuman". He doesn't have the vocabulary to truly humanize Africans. Different doctorates take hold at end of 19th century. Primitivism reminds us of imperial horrors. PRIMITIVISM is the AESTHETIC side of IMPERIALISM. "Lets fetishize these people; art, culture, soil."

also; ORIENT is similarly derogatory. Reveals western centric view of other culture.

How do we ask about these terms that have emerged?

lots of Politics.

Modes of Representation are multiplicitous

capturing the process of receiving.

Stein pears down her writing.
makes the meanings of words indeterminate.
Stein rejected tradition. Comfort.

process. How words signify almost important as what of words mean.OPEN ENDED WORDS.

Writes in an every day idiom. carefully constructed artlessness. a modernism that instrumentally analyzes language.

multiple meanings. Complex uses of simplicity and repetition; repetition as a system of differences. Undoing established practices and reforming language.

Temporality. Stein reminds us that reading takes place in time.


Nation - (essentialism?) nations very conscience unlike ever before after WWI.

Coefficient of Weirdness in the Language of Magic

The Malinowski is a tough read good summary here :http://science.jrank.org/pages/10049/Magic-Functions-Effects-Magic-in-Classic-Anthropological-Works.html
Beginning with the work of Bronislaw Malinowski (1884–1942) in the Trobriand Islands of Melanesia during World War I, the insights that anthropologists brought to the study of magic were based on long-term field observations and were undertaken by the writers themselves. Along with the work of his contemporary, Alfred Radcliffe-Brown (1881–1955), he greatly contributed to anthropology's developing body of thought on methods and standards for fieldwork. With extensive examples from his study, Malinowski found that magic in the Trobriand Islands addressed particular kinds of problems that were specific and practical. These he distinguished from the larger concerns of human life that he identified with religion.

Addressing the question of the difference between magical and natural causality, Malinowski showed that the Andamanese used magic to supplement the actions of the natural world. In their horticultural and sailing activities they both relied on their own knowledge and skills, and used magic to assist them to handle unexpected events. Malinowski did not present magic, religion, and science in an evolutionary framework, but considered them as aspects of cultural systems. His approach acknowledged that the Andamanese had empirical knowledge and did not assume that magic was apart from, or a replacement for, effective activity in the world.


Umberto Eco - The Champion of "unlimited semiosis" roses roses roses

Performative Identity

More Magic and Malinkowski from Rothenberg

Jerome Rothenberg: THe Roots of Poetry in Magic

Rothenberg: Semiotics of I CHING ?


Sacred Emily - Gertrude Stein

What interests me here is the affinity with Malinowski's examples of Trobriand magic.  I guess it's in the repetition of words, some of them seemingly meaningless Not sure how to pursue further. Rothenberg adds quite a deal to the account of magic and language. Here I consider Stein accounts of African culture; stagnant as she deems it, and ask why she chooses to evoke it.

This is also where Stein first uttered, "Rose is a rose is a rose is a rose." Written in 1913, published in 1922.


Compose compose beds.
Wives of great men rest tranquil.
Come go stay philip philip.
Egg be takers.
Parts of place nuts.
Suppose twenty for cent.
It is rose in hen.
Come one day.
A firm terrible a firm terrible hindering, a firm hindering have a ray nor pin nor.
Egg in places.
Egg in few insists.
In set a place.
I am not missing.
Who is a permit.
I love honor and obey I do love honor and obey I do.
Melancholy do lip sing.
How old is he.
Murmur pet murmur pet murmur.
Push sea push sea push sea push sea push sea push sea push sea push sea.
Sweet and good and kind to all.
Wearing head.
Cousin tip nicely.
Cousin tip.
Wearing head.
Leave us sit.
I do believe it will finish, I do believe it will finish.
Pat ten patent, Pat ten patent.
Eleven and eighteen.
Foolish is foolish is.
Birds measure birds measure stores birds measure stores measure birds measure.
Exceptional firm bites.
How do you do I forgive you everything and there is nothing to forgive.
Never the less.
Leave it to me.
Weeds without papers.
Weeds without papers are necessary.
Left again left again.
Exceptional considerations.
Never the less tenderness.
Resting cow curtain.
Resting bull pin.
Resting cow curtain.
Resting bull pin.
Next to a frame.
The only hat hair.
Leave us mass leave us. Leave us pass. Leave us. Leave us pass leave us.
Humming is.
No climate.
What is a size.
Ease all I can do.
Colored frame.
Couple of canning.
Ease all I can do.
Humming does as
Humming does as humming is.
What is a size.
No climate.
Ease all I can do.
Shall give it, please to give it.
Like to give it, please to give it.
What a surprise.
Not sooner whether.
Cordially yours.
Cordially yours.
Not sooner together.
Cordially yours.
In strewing, in strewing.
That is the way we are one and indivisible.
Pay nuts renounce.
Now without turning around.
I will give them to you tonight.
Cunning is and does cunning is and does the most beautiful notes.
I would like a thousand most most.
Center pricking petunia.
Electrics are tight electrics are white electrics are a button.
Singular pressing.
Recent thimble.
Noisy pearls noisy pearl coat.
Arrange wide opposite.
Opposite it.
Lily ice-cream.
A hand is Willie.
Henry Henry Henry.
A hand is Henry.
Henry Henry Henry.
A hand is Willie.
Henry Henry Henry.
All the time.
A wading chest.
Do you mind.
Lizzie do you mind.
Next to barber.
Next to barber bury.
Next to barber bury china.
Next to barber bury china glass.
Next to barber china and glass.
Next to barber and china.
Next to barber and hurry.
Next to hurry.
Next to hurry and glass and china.
Next to hurry and glass and hurry.
Next to hurry and hurry.
Next to hurry and hurry.
Plain cases for see.
Tickle tickle tickle you for education.
A very reasonable berry.
Suppose a selection were reverse.
Cousin to sadden.
A coral neck and a little song so very extra so very Susie.
Cow come out cow come out and out and smell a little.
Draw prettily.
Next to a bloom.
Neat stretch.
Place plenty.
Curtain cousin.
Neither best set.
Do I make faces like that at you.
Not writing not writing another.
Another one.
Jack Rose Jack Rose.
Practically all of them.
Does believe it.
Measure a measure a measure or.
Which is pretty which is pretty which is pretty.
To be top.
Neglect Waldberg.
Sudden say separate.
So great so great Emily.
Sew grate sew grate Emily.
Not a spell nicely.
Weigh pieces of pound.
Aged steps.
Not a plan bow.
Why is lacings.
Little slam up.
Cold seam peaches.
Begging to state begging to state begging to state alright.
Begging to state begging to state begging to state alright.
Wheels stows wheels stows.
Cotton could mere less.
From the standpoint of all white a week is none too much.
Pink coral white coral, coral coral.
Happy happy happy.
All the, chose.
Is a necessity.
Happy happy happy all the.
Happy happy happy all the.
Remain seated.
Come on come on come on on.
All the close.
Remain seated.
All the.
Remain seated.
All the, close.
Websters and mines, websters and mines.
Websters and mines.
Gold space gold space of toes.
Twos, twos.
Pinned to the letter.
In accompany.
In a company in.
Natural lace.
Spend up.
Spend up length.
Spend up length.
Length thoroughly.
Neatness Neatness.
Excellent cording.
Excellent cording short close.
Close to.
Pin black.
Cough or up.
Neater pin.
Pinned to the letter.
Was it a space was it a space was it a space to see.
Neither things.
Say say say.
North of the calender.
Peoples rest.
Preserve pulls.
Cunning piler.
Next to a chance.
Apples went.
It was a chance to preach Saturday.
Please come to Susan.
Purpose purpose black.
Extra plain silver.
Furious slippers.
Have a reason.
Have a reason candy.
Points of places.
Neat Nezars.
Which is a cream, can cream.
Ink of paper slightly mine breathes a shoulder able shine.
Near glass.
Put a stove put a stove hoarser.
If I was surely if I was surely.
See girl says.
All the same bright.
When a churn say suddenly when a churn say suddenly.
Poor pour percent.
Little branches.
Near sights.
Please sorts.
Put something down.
Put something down some day.
Put something down some day in.
Put something down some day in my.
In my hand.
In my hand right.
In my hand writing.
Put something down some day in my hand writing.
Needles less.
Never the less.